Where art and commerce collide.

Left brain.

Let’s unaccept the status quo. Take it all apart and see what makes it tick. Ask the tough questions and pry out even tougher answers. The same insatiable curiosity that drove my parents crazy on family vacations is now the key to finding better creative solutions to business challenges.

Make no lazy ads.

Right brain.

There’s a million ways to tell the story of a brand. So why choose the safe one? After all, the average consumer sees more than 3,000 ad messages a day. If the work can be entertaining, provocative AND sell,  then it will be more effective. Every. Single. Time.

Welcome, amigo.

Protective casing.

Let’s keep this story short, because nobody likes long copy. I’m Jim Myers, and I’m an advertising creative. I believe that an ad can do nothing until it engages you emotionally. I believe the client pays the bills, but the client is also paying for an expert opinion. And I believe the next few clicks will tell you all you need to know.